Monday, 11 November 2013

Health & Safety Production Assessment

Safety Hazards (what to look out for):

Wires- if there are wires in the way someone could trip over and hurt themselves. To prevent this I will tape the wires down or use something to cover them. 

Filming in a dark room- If objects are in the way it is a possibility that people could trip over. To prevent this I will make sure there are no objects in the way when I am filming and when there is not much light. 

Fire- Incase of a fire I need to make sure where the closest safest exits are and keep an eye out for anything that could catch fire or is hazardous to fire. I also need to make sure there is no heavy equipment blocking fire exits. 

Electrical items- Everyone needs to be careful when using electrical items, especially when there is not much light. Don't pull on any wires or trip on any wires because it will damage the equipment (same as before I will tape wires down and make sure nothing is in the way for when it's darker and in the light to).  

Falling objects e.g. Camera, Tripod- Objects could fall, such as the camera could fall off the tripod and hurt someone, plus could damage the camera. Also the tripod could fall with the camera still on it. To prevent this I need to make sure the camera is securely on the tripod and that the tripod legs are evenly balanced out, in order for it not too fall. I should also be near the camera and tripod a lot of the time, incase it should fall and at least I can keep an eye on it and prevent it from falling. 

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