Friday, 20 December 2013

Short Video Draft

Short Draft 
This is my first short draft that I put together using iMovie and there is room for a lot of improvement. I also have more shots to do to have quicker transitions where the black areas in this video are.


- Needs to be more in sync: to improve this I will make sure the timings are more accurate for when im filming to get it right. 

- On some of the clips don't cut off the top of the head 

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

CD Covers- Inspiration

Inspirational CD Covers 

I like these music album covers because they are simple and in a close up shot. This is how I would like my album cover to turn out with not that much going on and just showing the singer, as it's their song and they want/need to get publicity for themselves.

Along with the CD cover I am going to do a magazine advertisement that matches the CD cover for a promotion package.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Make Up Test (Girl)

Make Up Products Used: 

Eye Shadow- Urban Decay: Gold and Brown
Foundation- Dior
Lipstick- Yves Saint Laurent: Red
Concealer- Bobbi Brown

Friday, 13 December 2013

Hypodermic Needle Theory, The Two Step Flow Theory & Reception Theory

Hypodermic Needle Theory 1955 Katz and Lazerfeld 

Mass Media - Public

This theory suggests that media messages are straight away injected into the passive audience that is immediately influenced by the message.

It's when the media put something in to texts or on television etc that the public see and it is said that what they say we believe. Additionally that we as an audience are manipulated by what the media send out. 

The Two Step Flow Theory 

Mass Media - Opinion Leaders - Public 

This theory has more than one step of communication involved, since half of the information that originates from the media passes through to the masses.  Plus this theory is a lot more superior to the Hypodermic Needle Theory and the audience are an active audience and seen as society.  

Stuart Hall 

'Reception Theory'

An example to explain the Reception theory is Lady Gaga, as she dresses a bit different and she is a bit crazy and is not afraid to wear what she wants, which is my own opinion. This is classed as an active audience because we all have our own opinions, even though we don't always understand what is mean't, but still have our own opinion. An audience can look at the same images or text for example, yet we will not always agree with something. 

Encoding- Is where the media texts are encoded by the producer full of images and text 
Decoding- Is where the text is decoded by the audience although not all audiences will respond and decode in the same way

How it works- When encoding is put forward and there is a particular message that the media want to give out, it is called preferred reading. It will sometimes be correctly decoded by the audience, however it sometimes isn't, therefore something hasn't gone right when the media has encoded the message in the images and text properly.

1) Dominant or preferred- These people in the active audience agree with the message
2) Negotiated- These people might agree and might disagree with some parts of what the producers have encoded
3) Oppositional- These people fully disagree and think the opposite to what has been encoded

Although these three categories have different factors that affect people to go into one of the categories which are:
- life experience
- Mood at the viewing time
- Age
- Culture- could be different, so not everyone will understand
- Beliefs- people have different beliefs 
- Gender

At the end of this music video project I want people to have an understanding of my music video and understand what is going on and also agree with what I have done and included in my music video. 

Monday, 11 November 2013

Props, Lighting (Mise en Scene), Costumes, Make Up, Locations

Make Up Inspirations

Make Up Inspiration

Since my Female talent has ginger hair I looked into what types of colours will suit hair skin and hair colour. I found that browns and blacks (not too dark) where quite common to have as eye shadow, along with more vibrant colours like blues and purples. Many of the images incorporate a red lip which I wanted to use on my talent because I think it works well against the pale skin. Quite often I saw just natural  make up too which also works well because the hair colour ginger already stands out alone. I will also be using natural make up in my music video.

Health & Safety Production Assessment

Safety Hazards (what to look out for):

Wires- if there are wires in the way someone could trip over and hurt themselves. To prevent this I will tape the wires down or use something to cover them. 

Filming in a dark room- If objects are in the way it is a possibility that people could trip over. To prevent this I will make sure there are no objects in the way when I am filming and when there is not much light. 

Fire- Incase of a fire I need to make sure where the closest safest exits are and keep an eye out for anything that could catch fire or is hazardous to fire. I also need to make sure there is no heavy equipment blocking fire exits. 

Electrical items- Everyone needs to be careful when using electrical items, especially when there is not much light. Don't pull on any wires or trip on any wires because it will damage the equipment (same as before I will tape wires down and make sure nothing is in the way for when it's darker and in the light to).  

Falling objects e.g. Camera, Tripod- Objects could fall, such as the camera could fall off the tripod and hurt someone, plus could damage the camera. Also the tripod could fall with the camera still on it. To prevent this I need to make sure the camera is securely on the tripod and that the tripod legs are evenly balanced out, in order for it not too fall. I should also be near the camera and tripod a lot of the time, incase it should fall and at least I can keep an eye on it and prevent it from falling. 


Female Talent (singer) - Natalie 
Hair - Ginger
Eye colour - Blue/grey 

Male Talent (singer) - Jordan
Hair - Brown 
Eye colour - Green/Blue 


Story Board

Story Board
I made a story board of each shot of my ideas, for my music video. It also includes the timings on everything, so I know when to do each shot in time and when the instrumentals and singing come in (with different shots too). I have also included the Mise en Scene in each shot, of what is going on with lighting and some costumes. Another aspect of my story bored includes cinematography and I have worked out what I want the camera to do on each shot whether that be a high angle, close up shot or a zoom etc.

This will now help me with my music video as I have a clearer idea of what I want to do. 

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Audience Reader Profile

This is my audience profile, that includes images of things both men and women will like. Mainly aimed at products for women as the percentage of women for my music video is higher than men. The 'Social' area is about social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Sites such as these play a big part in the music industry. These social networking sites are ways of getting more publicity for artists and there new songs, plus their fans can also interact with them on Twitter. They also allow for spotify to come up when someone is listening to a song which then lets there friends/followers to see what they are listening to, therefore new songs can get seen by many people, which is good for music artists. 

For the 'Devices' section I have included devices such as mobile phones, iPod's, Xbox and PlayStation all what both men and women can use. These devices all are able to play music and download music. Additionally some games for example on PlayStation and Xbox have music already on them as background music e.g. GTA you have different radio stations that you are able to flick through and can listen to a range of songs. Having Songs that are already on a game is great publicity for the music artist. 

In the 'Music' section I mentioned some ways in which my audience can listen to and download music. One way is to watch music videos on MTV another is to watch them on YouTube and they are both free. iTunes is just one major downloading site which is not free (you can also download on YouTube, again not free) but you can download apps, music, films etc. Even some apps include songs that people will of heard of or get to know because it is on that app. When downloading songs off iTunes the songs that have the most downloads go into the Top 40 Charts so as the public we can decide what artists we want to be in the music charts. 

Video Focus Group

Video Focus Group
For this task I asked people questions about music videos and Pop music. From this I found that people like narrative and performance videos most, as they are more entertaining and having a narrative is good so people can follow a story line through out the video. In response to the third question, they watch music videos on You Tube, TV channels and on their phones. 

They like Pop music, however they find it can be cheesy at times, therefore is best not to over-do-it on the cheesy side. For my chosen song I asked what they would include in relation to the lyrics, if they had to make their own music video, they said they would have two people in a relationship, plus slow editing which would match the timing of the song and lyrics. 

By doing this focus group I found out some of their ideas in relation to my song and to Pop music are similar to my thoughts and ideas to. For example my music video is slow, so would possibly include an edit such as a  fade, which is a smooth, slow, transitional edit, that would link with my song/lyrics and the focus group came up with 'slow edits'.

Target audience- Demographics and psychographics

Demographics are social grades that are mainly based on 
profession and have an estimated related income.

A  Higher managerial, administrative or professional 3%
B  Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional 15%
C1  Supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional 23%
C2  Semi-skilled manual workers 28%
D  Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers 18%
E  Casual labourers, unemployed, state pensioners 13%

The demographics are based on how many people are likely to buy my product. For example on iTunes how many people in which category are willing to pay for it.

I have looked on the internet to see who Rihanna's main target audience is because the audience will be the ones downloading the video or buying posters etc to do with Rihanna as she is the product. The majority of people to listen to Rihanna is mainly girls but there are boys who are interested in her to and they are the ones who are more likely to have a poster of her, as she is also a bit of a sex symbol. 

Using the demographics i'd say that C2, D and E would be the main audience for her. Group C2 are people getting quite a bit of money and would be able to buy her videos and other products. D group are not getting as much money, but if they're interested in  Rihanna they are still very likely to buy her products.The E group will be mostly made up of younger people, such as myself with maybe no job or a small job and will probably still live at home. However their parents might pay for Rihanna's products or if they have a small job can afford can afford them themselves, especially if they are big fans of Rihanna every time she brings out something new they'll be encouraged to buy it. Rihanna does have a lot of fans because she is that big, so even if not everyone has a lot of money, they will find away of being able to buy the products or watch her videos for free on YouTube and still be able to do what people with a lot more money can do.  

Target Audience

Target Audience

My target audience would be 15-24 year old's because I think this age group is more likely  to listen to Pop music. Since my target audience is quite young then they will be more up to date with music in the charts and there is a lot of Pop music included in there. For example in the music charts now: Katy Perry-'Roar', Little Mix- 'Move', Ellie Goulding- 'Burn', Icona Pop- 'All night', Lady Gaga- 'Venus' are all types of Pop. 

The percentage of my audience would be 75% female and 25% male. This is because 'Stay' by Rihanna is a slow song and since it has been sang by a female, more girls will no doubt listen to it and be able to relate to the song better then males. I have aimed it at 25% males because there is a male singer and some males will be able to relate to the song, as they might feel the same about someone the way the lyrics is describing. 

History Of Music Videos (History Of Medium)

Conventions Within My Chosen Genre

Conventions Of Music Videos

Monday, 7 October 2013

Video Analysis

Kanye West ft Jamie Foxx -‘ Gold Digger’

The genre for this music video is RnB, which is associated with girls and wealth, yet the women in the video are gold diggers and that’s what they are singing about.
Within the first 10 seconds of this music video the cinematography is used to show close up of the woman’s face then of her then a close up of her chest. This straight away links into Laura Mulvey’s theory on the ‘Male Gaze’, by showing of part of her body within the first 10 seconds. Since this music video is aimed at both men and women, they’ll each have a different observation of the video. For example men will find this ‘hot’ and ‘sexy’, whereas women will look at it and compare themselves to the woman in the video and might become quite self-conscious. The next extreme close up on the woman is of her lips with her mouth partly open, which again men will see something as ‘seductive’. Another theorist this video links to is John Berger ‘ways of seeing’, as the women in this video are conscious of what they are doing and they are portrayed in a way for men to enjoy. However the men in this video are not acting in a ‘sexy’ way, yet you always get close ups of the women with not many clothes on, which links to what John said they are ‘depicted in a different way to men because the ‘ideal’ spectator is assumed to be male and the image of the woman is designed to flatter him’. The way the women are acting is to attract male attention and they do know that. Many tilts are used to in this music video to, to go up or down the women.

For the editing in this music video there are a lot of jump cuts between the man and the women. The women are portraying themselves in a more dominant way, as you see one woman’s face in a close up shot looking quite tough. There is also the use of parallel editing to create a strobe effect between the man and woman about 20 seconds in and it is changing very quick and is giving the audience quick flashing shots of her curves. It’s like the women are tougher and more clever than what these men think and use their body and act in a certain ‘seductive’ way to get what they want, which links to the lyrics of them being ‘Gold Diggers’ because they know what they are doing, they know what they want and they know how to get it.

In the video the mise en scene shows these women in front of pretend magazine covers, wearing corsets and not many clothes. The magazine covers say things like ‘Fantasy Magazine’ for 50₵ and ‘Hot Fun’ for 50₵. This could relate to men seeing them as objects like what Laura Mulvey thinks and that they are cheap and easy as 50₵ is cheap.

Jamie Foxx in the music video doesn't have a huge part in Kanye’s song because he was only been sampled in the song. Jamie was in a film called ‘Ray’, where he was the character Ray Childs and Kanye wanted him to use his voice like he did, but in ‘Gold Digger’. It’s Jamie Foxx’s way of showing the audience he is the new Ray Childs.

There is no narrative in this music video as it is based more on performance than narrative. The words ‘Gold Digger’ gets repeated a lot throughout the video and so does the chorus which again doesn’t give a narrative. It is more about the women dancing around and the men singing about them.

The text appeals to the audience more through the mise en scene and the ideology of the performer. For example in this music video Kanye West and Jamie Foxx are in suits which shows wealth and then the women are not wearing much, but they are all done up trying to be more glamorous. The women really seem more cheap and easy, since they are posing against cheaper looking magazine front covers, which relates to them being ‘Gold Diggrers’ as they want the money and will do anything to get it. Therefore the audience watching this music video see the men in their suits and all these ‘glamorous’ women and so the male audience might look up to these wealthy men and want to be like them. However the female viewers may have different opinions on the women in the video. They might want to act ‘sexy’ and be more ‘glamorous’, like how the women in the music video are trying to be, or they might have a negative opinion and won’t want to be seen as ‘cheap’ or ‘easy’, which the ideology from the mise en scene makes the women seem in this video.

The text of this song  links in with the video as Kanye and Jamie are singing about ‘Gold Diggers’ and you see these women dancing and posing, with a certain look on their faces sometimes which gives an impression of they know (as gold diggers) what they are doing. 

Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding- ‘I need your love’

The genre for this music video is pop but is singing about love in not such a ‘soppy’ way as some music videos. It has the mise en scene of the double bed and white sheets usually associated with ‘passion’ and ‘love’ and since it’s a double bed there are connotations suggesting someone else should be in there too. There is also a lot of laughing and some kissing between the man and woman that connotes they are in love with each other. It includes voyeurism as Ellie Golding is a pretty woman, she is inside the bed sheets at first and since she is wearing an over-sized shirt at the beginning of it, it looks like a male’s shirts. Laura Mulveys theory on the ‘male gaze’ is right as this music video is used to attract males and is shown in a way which males will like it. You can see it is more from a male’s point of view, especially more towards the end when there are more women included in the video.

Quite a lot of the camera angles and shots in this video look like the people in the video are holding the camera themselves, which makes it seem not like a music video as such.  This creates more of a story and background of what goes on in their lives and it seems more real. Towards the end the cinematography is used to give a lot of close up and medium close up shots of these women on the boat and then in the club close ups of their faces and body. In association to pop it has girls in this music video acting ‘sexy’ once again it’s what males want to see, so it’s like it’s from their point of view.

The editing in this music video use a lot of straight cuts, to either change to a different camera angle or move on to a different scene. Close to the end of the video, it cuts to the club and the music links to the club as it makes it seem as if the song from the video is the one people are dancing to. Since the genre is pop and pop music is more for dancing the club scene is a good choice of place to record as it links in with the music.

This music video has a fragmented narrative that shows a couple having a good time on holiday. They have created their own ‘home movie’ style music video by taking their camera with them and filming their holiday.

The text of the song doesn’t really link in with the music video as there is not much of Ellie Goulding lip singing with the song and it shows them more doing normal things like going to clubs. She sings about needing Calvin’s love and there is a lot of clips of them together, like on the beach and in the tattoo studio, which is things that couples would do together if they love each other.

The audience can relate to the text in a way that they want to find love and go out and do things together. Since the mise en scene includes the things like the club and being in an open top car some where abroad shows they do have money and can afford these things, which makes the audience want to be able to do that to and have that sense of freedom like they do. Calvin and Ellie want to have a more laid back and fun ideology/representation, so they can connect with the audience more as they seem more genuine. The mise en scene of Ellie and Calvin’s clothes don’t look particularly expensive, they look casual, therefore this gives the audience something else to relate to because they realise they don’t always need expensive clothes to feel nice.

'Rihanna- Unfaithful'

The genre of this music video is pop, which links in more with my old song choice as  the song I have chosen as it is a lot  slower like my video. The mise en scene in this video has Rihanna in a tight black dress then in more casual clothes when she is with the man she is being ‘unfaithful’. “The tight dress is included when she is singing about being unfaithful which suggests that she is making more of an effort when with this other man rather than the man she is suppose to be with. However Rihanna still looks glamorous, with causal elements in there, which links in with the genre of pop.

Cinematography in this video includes close ups and medium close ups and sometimes she is wearing a revealing dress which males will like. Also straight away Rihanna is sorting her dress out and there is a tilt of her hands running down her body showing off her curves. However in a lot of Rihanna’s videos she often acts quite ‘seductive’ and ‘sexy’ or wears something that shows of her curves, therefore like John Berger said she is conscious of what she is doing and it’s not just now women act like this it happened a while a go to just in different ways.

Just before she starts singing there are a lot of quite fast jump cuts of when she seems happy with this man yet just before that she receives a note off someone else and it’s like she is pretending to be happy. Since this is a slower song fades are used which makes a smoother transition between the next scene. Having these fades make it link with the song more.

This music videos narrative is in a linear order and matches the lyrics. Rihanna sings about herself being unfaithful and in the video the audience see her thinking about and being unfaithful. It also consists of the lyrics being in sync with her singing but sometimes the song carries on over the top of the video whilst the video shows what’s going on.

The text of song connects well with the music video itself because you see Rihanna being unfaithful and singing about it to. There are also quite a lot of clips when Rihanna is in lip sync with the song. When she is not in sync, the images and the different scenes with in the video create more of a story because you see her unfaithfulness progressing and her feeling guilty when she is with her boyfriend.

In relation to the audience the text can relate to them as some people may have been unfaithful themselves and Rihanna is singing about how she feels and how it’s hard to tell someone about it, which other people might of felt to. It’s not exactly a good thing that she has betrayed her boyfriend and as an audience they will feel sorry for the man she is with, as he doesn't have a clue what is going on. However they might feel a bit sorry for Rihanna because she is saying she doesn't want to do this anymore but she can’t seem to stop and doesn't want to hurt him, so she isn't in the best of situations. Yet she is still acting ‘sexy’ and thinking about this other man so she isn't really helping herself. 

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Lyrics Analysis


Lyric Analysis 
I did a lyric analysis to work out what I thought the lyrics mean, which will help me think of ideas for my music video and know what the lyrics are about. Since I hadn't watched the music video for this song it allowed me to picture what I wanted to include in my own video without having the influence from the one this one.  

Lyric Timings

Lyric Timings

I worked out the Lyric timings of my chosen song 'Stay'- by Rihanna, to help me when I come to make a story board and when I am making my music video to make sure the timings are right and match my video. It will also help when/if the people are lip singing in my video, to match the lyrics to their mouths with the right times.

Friday, 13 September 2013


Levi Strauss

'Binary Opposites' 
We understand contrasts, against other things that they are compared to.

Good-Bad- is a binary opposite

Having binary opposites help us to understand narrative in music videos. For example having a falling out with the boyfriend and they are usually portrayed to be seen as bad or in the wrong and the girlfriend (main singer) is seen as good. However this has recently being challenged as the person singing is usually the good person singing about the bad person, when the good person can be just as bad. Another example is in Rihanna 'Unfaithful' she is the singer, yet she knows that she is the bad person and is singing about her being unfaithful to her boyfriend, which is slightly different and another way that the binary opposite is challenged. 

We instantly perceive our own ideas of ideology e.g. Mother- Caring, Kind, Loving, Supportive. These ideas just spring to mind when asked to think about something/someone as we have our own ideology thoughts.

Without these binary opposites we wouldn't be able to understand videos and texts etc today.

They also keep us excited an intrigued in different ways. For example with narrative as it is more of a story you wonder what is going to happen. 

Laura Mulvey 1975

The 'Male Gaze'
Mulvey's theory is on the 'male gaze' and how they look at Women. For example:

How men view women in music videos:
Sexy, Hot, Seductive, An Item, Easy, Objects

How women look at themselves (music videos):
Compare themselves to the women in that video, might want to look like the women in the music video

How women look at other women in music videos:
Compare themselves or might not want to look like how some women do in music videos e.g. Miley Cyrus- 'Wrecking Ball'

However some music videos do not help the 'male gaze', but actually influence it even more by the way the camera focuses on the women's body and curves. This ends up making females watch the content through a males eyes thinking that they should be like that themselves. Furthermore in music videos the men in the videos usually end up being perceived as the more dominant person.

John Berger 1972

'Ways of seeing'
John Berger says we entice different gazes and says 'Men act women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves been looked at'

This again makes men sound more dominant. It's as if women are view for people to view and enjoy, however these women are conscious of what they are doing and what they are doing in these music videos. John also makes you realise that women have always been viewed in this way, but people might just have different opinions now then what they did back then.

Mulvey and Berger both include voyeurism, that the women know what they are doing.

Tessa Perkins 1979

Stereotypes are not always negative or wrong and are not always about the minority groups or the less powerful, they can be about people of higher class or more powerful people too. They are also not rigid or unchanging as they do change and they are not always false. Furthermore as our society changes it's hard for stereotypes to change as they stick in society.

Richard Dyer 1983

Dyer says 'How we are seen determines how we are treated'. The media can play a big part in this too as they can make people be seen in many different ways when it is not always the truth.

For example: Miley Cyrus 'Wrecking Ball'- She knows what she is doing which links back to Mulvey and Berger and is doing it on purpose because she no longer wants to be seen as this nice, sensible girl anymore, but as more of a rebel showing she is not afraid to do what she wants. Yet people have their own thoughts and opinions on her and will take what she has done in this video in a bad way or won't be to bothered by it. Therefore people will see and treat her in a different way, but she has done this herself, so she wanted to be seen in this way.

Karl Marx 1818-1883

Higher class power, known as the Elite or Bourgeoisie
Lower class which is the majority of the population, is known as the Mass or Proletariat
- The Mass are dependent on the Elite people.
- The Elite are also rely on the Mass to make money for them and the people who are rich hold ideological power.
- In society people are never satisfied and always want more

Dominant classes create a dominant ideology. For example the media are dominant and they give us news and there own thoughts and opinions on things, which we then believe so we don't really have any choice.

M.I.A Paper Planes (screen shots)

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Skills Development Essay

A2 Media Studies- Skills development essay


Over the course of producing my college magazine, to the making of my music magazine, my skills have rapidly developed. I can now see a lot of difference in my work to when I first started, in comparison to my more improved music magazine now.
Digital technology takes a huge part in magazines, especially camera work, as one of the magazine conventions is a ‘Main Image’ used on the front cover. The front cover of my college magazine was done too quickly at first, without much effort or thought put into it. I remembered the different camera shots when taking my images and used a medium close up for the main image. However, on the final front cover I realised that there was too much space around the model and decided it would of looked better if the model was taking up a wider area. For my music magazine I thought about what I didn’t do in my college magazine, so I came up with more camera angle ideas to get a variety of shots to choose from. I also re-did my front cover image twice after my first draft.

 In my first draft of the magazine the model looked to simple and to pretty, therefore in my next shoot I wanted to make her appear slightly tougher, some artists now have gone for the more rebellious look. The high angle camera shot on my second attempt didn’t work as well as I had hoped. Even though I tried to use it a number of times it still didn’t look up to a good enough standard.
Photoshop helped me to learn how to change some ones skin to give it a porcelain finish and I also used my own knowledge on Photoshop to make edits on my images. For example, I could change the lighting using levels, crop my image and cut my image neatly by using the magnetic lasso tool etc.
When taking the images for my contents page and double page spread I thought about the camera angle more and thought about what worked well and what didn’t. However I kept these images and didn’t making any additional change to them, as I felt more confident with them than I did about my front cover image.

The creativity side of my magazine came from seeing other peoples magazines and looking at existing magazines conventions. I looked at the way existing magazines used colour coordination throughout there magazine and the similarity in text type they had used, which made their magazines flow. This helped me realise what I needed to develop and apply to my own magazine, since none of my text went well together. Furthermore I learnt how to use things such as, ‘Go animate’ and ‘Prezi’ to present my work in a more creative way, instead of just using blocks of writing, like I did to talk about my college magazine. I also thought this was a better way of getting my ideas across.
 Creativity also comes into the layout of a magazine and the layout is very important to make the text and the images not look out of place. Therefore I looked at how existing magazines set out there text and images to get ideas for my magazine.

Research and planning helped me a lot when making my music magazine, as for my college magazine not that much planning/research was put into the making of it. However I did look at other college magazines to influence some of my ideas and did do brief list of conventions, plus created a box plan. To help myself do better in my music magazine, more research and planning was needed. I again looked at existing magazine conventions, but also looked at what genres come into chart music and found out the latest UK Top 40 songs in the chart (I included a music chart on my contents page to represent the different genres).  When creating my music magazine I had to come up with a specific target audience but in a more advanced way using demographics to. The target audience I had come up with was the 15-24 age groups, which I applied into the making of my reader profile.  My reader profile helped me have a specific audience and the images that I put on it linked to that audience. Since it was aimed at 70% female I had more images aimed towards them, although I only had a percentage of 30% male, therefore had fewer images for them.

For the post production process of my magazine, I thought that I was finished with final piece of my magazine although I still wasn’t happy with it. I changed the images; the text and the colour scheme of my front cover and changed the final piece to my 5th draft instead. Although I did change the layout, image and colour scheme on the 5th draft, it still needed improving. The next set of images I took I made sure filled up most of the page, which I initially wanted and used my skills on Photoshop to change the chair my model was sat on. I decided on a different colour scheme of black, red and grey to make my magazine more appealing to my audience, by using colours that aim towards both male and female (I used this colour scheme throughout the rest of my magazine to create continuity). The layout and text changed on my front cover to make it flow and not look untidy.

 For my college magazine I never used post production, which is why it wasn’t as good as it could have been. However for my music magazine I made sure I showed the editing changes I made to the images.
The conventions part of my magazine progressed as I went from just listing the conventions of the front cover, to adding a description to the conventions on my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I went through and analysed my conventions properly so I could then add that knowledge to my own magazine. The conventions helped my magazine become more realistic and match the real life magazines conventions.

I made a lot of changes and gained a lot more skills when creating my music magazine and I made sure when making my music magazine I did more research and included my planning on my blog.

A2 Brief

1. A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options: 

- a website homepage for the band; 

- a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package) 

- a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package)